Reevaluating the Value of Incentivized Traffic

The Unsung Hero of First-Party Data Collection

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PCH Media

November 25, 2024

Creating a value exchange with consumers is a time-tested way for brands to build lasting relationships.

Creating a value exchange with consumers is a time-tested way for brands to build lasting relationships. From access to content and discount codes to product giveaways, creating a meaningful exchange incentivizes consumers to voluntary share personal information for something they value – helping marketers deliver accurate personalized ads to consumers.

Misperceptions in the Industry

In the advertising industry, this strategy known as “incentivized traffic” often carries a negative connotation. Some falsely believe the brand engagement this strategy generates is solely due to the incentives offered, that it negatively impacts the customer experience or that it requires a monetary exchange – all inaccurate misconceptions! In fact, about 60% of advertisers block publishers classified as ‘incentivized traffic’ and ‘gambling’ from consideration for ad placements, according to a report from DoubleVerify.

The Truth About Incentivized Traffic

However, by definition, incentivized traffic is the transparent exchange of permissioned data for something consumers value, so overlooking these classifications is a missed opportunity for advertisers.

Consumers who interact with publishers that employ incentivized traffic or offer chances to win are often among the most engaged and loyal. These individuals are motivated to come back regularly, and they willingly share their accurate information in exchange for valuable benefits.  

Access to this type of first-party data is crucial for long-term success as signal loss increasingly hinders precise audience targeting. Incentivized traffic enables marketers to collect first-party data and build datasets that are 100% accurate and permissioned, thus future-proofing their strategies as the ad ecosystem continues to evolve. This data allows marketers to create customized ads based on consumer behaviors and self-reported preferences, ultimately creating positive, engaging experiences that increase the chances consumers will reengage with their brand.

Ready to learn more about how to collect permissioned data through incentivized traffic and future-proof your strategies? Reach out to PCH Media today.

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